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South East Asia market snapshot Sep & Oct 2016: More investment decisions sealed
Key stories PERTAMINA, Marubeni and Sojitz consortium wins the Java-1 tender. This is the first and largest integrated LNG-to-IPP project in Indone...
What is driving record gas price differentials in Northwest Europe?
The risk to Russian gas supplies to Europe has been widely discussed since the invasion of Ukraine took place on 24th February. The response by EU ...
What oil prices do L48 producers need to fund the growing call on US supply?
If the US tight-oil sector is relied upon to grow oil supply to meet our forecast for global demand, US onshore producers need the oil price to ris...
Why is Petrobras increasing its gas prices in Brazil?
On 1 January 2022, 22.5 Mcmd of demand from local gas distribution companies (LDCs) will be uncontracted, as some of their contracts with Petrobras...
Will the extreme cold in the US heat up the global gas market?
North America gas markets endured a wild week – freezing weather through the middle part of the country simultaneously took out over 20% of gas pro...
Will the growing Russian crude surplus clear into Asia?
"Self-sanctioning" from European, Japanese and South Korean refiners has resulted in surplus of Russian crude in the market. This has already led t...
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