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European olefins: mid-year review and where do things go from here?
Following the uncertainty that came in the first half of 2020 with the global pandemic, the first half of 2021 has for most European olefins produc...
European olefins: Propylene pushes for the "most valuable light olefin" title
The July European monthly contract price (MCP) for propylene today settled at 1032 Euro/ton, a rollover from the June settlement. The July ethylene...
European propylene to 2020: going with the flow?
Our analysis indicates that 2017 is an important year in terms of increase in European (EU15+Norway) propylene monomer net imports, with net import...
Lingering impact of winter weather – disrupted petrochemical operations and supply chains
Operations at US Gulf Coast petrochemical facilities have yet to fully recover one month after frigid temperatures triggered wide-spread power outa...
Global olefins: 10 trends to monitor as the industry seeks the next normal
The global olefins industry continues to move through unprecedented times as the coronavirus crisis unfolds. The impacts will be felt in supply, de...
Opportunities in Emerging Flexible Packaging markets to 2019
Identify market and investment opportunities in fifteen different emerging flexible packaging markets, including India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia a...
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