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Upstream oil and gas reports
Latin America month in brief: offshore opportunities at center stage
The offshore sector made big waves in Latin America this June, with new discoveries, licensing success and a major FID announcement. Onshore, small...
Lebanon Sinai - Levant exploration basin
The Sinai-Levant Basin comprises the easternmost portion of the Mediterranean along with the onshore region extending from the Sinai Peninsula to S...
Bill Barrett combines with Fifth Creek Energy in the DJ Basin
Bill Barrett agrees to a strategic combination with Fifth Creek Energy in a US$649 million transaction. Fifth Creek is backed by Natural Gas Partne...
CPC disruption adds Kazakh export risks to global oil supply concerns
Storm damage at the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC)’s Black Sea terminal in Russia has taken at least half of the oil pipeline’s 1.6 million b/d ...
Operators plunge into deepwater Gulf of Mexico on both sides of the border: US Upstream week in brief December 07 2016
Mexico deepwater licensing round closes on a high note, with BHP securing Trion block in partnership with Pemex. In addition, BP sanctions Mad Dog ...
Corporate week in brief: M&A goes into overdrive as Shell and ExxonMobil deal
Lead stories: Repsol upgrades Alaskan oil resources to 1.2 billion bbl following Horseshoe discovery; US$15 billion of M&A sees Shell, ExxonMobil, ...
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