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Upstream oil and gas reports
Trump puts the Keystone XL and Dakota Access back in play - US upstream week in brief
President Trump has signed executive orders pushing for the completion of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. There are immediate implicat...
Tunisia lllizi Ghadames exploration basin
Exploration in the Tunisian Illizi-Ghadames Basin has previously presented a good investment opportunity, stimulated by a string of small but profi...
Tunisia Pelagian exploration basin
The Tunisian Pelagian basin is mature, with just 18 mmboe of resource discovered in the last 10 years. Only one exploration well has been drilled s...
Video interview: building the optimal US upstream portfolio
With so much future uncertainly for planning teams, portfolio construction is a topic that deserves more attention in 2022 than ever. Some US E&Ps ...
Vietnam Nam Con Son exploration basin
The Nam Con Son Basin is located off the southeast coast of Vietnam, and extends in an elongated NE-SW trend, parallel to the Cuu Long Basin. Water...
Vietnam upstream: progress at last?
This report summarises the messages we received from Vietnam’s upstream stakeholders after several weeks of ground research. The country’s upstream...
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