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Upstream oil and gas reports
US upstream week in brief: Shell makes a Whale of a discovery in Deepwater GoM
Shell confirmed it made first discovery in Western GoM in two years at the Whale (AC 772) prospect. We estimate the quick cycle time, coupled with ...
US Upstream: Five things to look for in 2017
2016 was yet another tumultuous year for the upstream oil and gas industry. WTI prices hovered near $45/bbl in H2 after bottoming out at $26/bbl in...
US West Coast upstream summary
The West Coast region encompasses five major basins in California, the Sacramento, San Joaquin, Santa Maria, Ventura, and Los Angeles basins.While ...
Utica Quebec shale gas unconventional play
In March 2011, the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) shale gas review was released by Quebec's Ministry of Environment, Susta...
US Upstream week in brief: US crude exports poised to accelerate as Brent-WTI spread hits two-year high
As the Gulf Coast continues to recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, the Brent-WTI differential has risen to ~$6/bbl, its widest level si...
Coronavirus impact briefing: week ending 24th April
Energy and natural resources sectors are having to deal with the combined forces of the coronavirus pandemic, the oil price crash and an impending ...
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