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Upstream oil and gas reports
EOG Resources - Lower 48 upstream
EOG Resources is a leading exploration & production company in the Lower 48. This report includes our outlook on operations, capex, production, and...
Venezuela upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on Venezuela. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on key proje...
Uzbekistan upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on Uzbekistan. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on key proj...
South Africa upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on South Africa. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on key pr...
Q4 2024 pre-FID project tracker: Shell wraps up year with Bonga North FID
Twenty-one projects have received sanction in 2024, representing around US$75 billion of committed investment and over 9 billion boe of reserves. W...
Denmark upstream summary slides
This slide-pack provides a quick summary of the key issues and themes for Denmark. It complements our more detailed upstream summary. Denmark is a ...
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