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Upstream oil and gas reports
Tobago (AC 859)
Tobago (AC 859) is a small oil and gas field located in the remote southern region of the Alaminos Canyon protraction area in the US Western Gulf o...
The Cabimas field was originally awarded as an operating service agreement (OSA) in PDVSA's Third Marginal Fields licensing round in 1997. After se...
Madura Offshore
The Madura Offshore PSC is located in shallow water in the Madura Straits, East Java. The block contains the Maleo gas field, discovered in June 20...
Oregano (GB 559)
Oregano (GB 559) is a small oil and gas field located in the Garden Banks protraction area of the Central Gulf of Mexico, approximately 12 kilometr...
Austin Chalk tight oil unconventional play
The Austin Chalk is an upper Cretaceous geologic formation that sits on top of the Eagle Ford. It was originally developed as a conventional play w...
Espadarte Area
Located in the Campos basin about 110 km from the coast, the Espadarte area concession contains six discoveries. Production from the main Espadarte...
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