Product markets outlook reports
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Product markets outlook reports
A key driver of benzene supply: polyester demand
It is a little understood fact, that on a global basis only 5% of benzene is produced by “on-purpose” processes. There is no other commodity like i...
A look at Cushing inventories through an uncertain year
As the delivery point of the NYMEX WTI contracts, stock changes at the Cushing, OK, hub can heavily influence benchmark US crude prices. Cushing on...
A Major win for Brazil: BP, ExxonMobil and Statoil go big in the pre-salt rounds
Brazil's profit sharing contract (PSC) Rounds 2 and 3 closed strong, confirming the global appeal of Brazil's pre-salt. The last time pure explorat...
A new paradigm in copper metallurgy?
Chalcopyrite floats well giving good recoveries to concentrate, but despite numerous studies, attempts to leach chalcopyrite have been commercially...
A new playbook for power generation markets – planning for a renewable-dominated future
The rapid growth of renewable energy in recent years is having a profound impact on US power markets. Whether it be driven by state mandates, corpo...
A Post-Fidel Cuba
Fidel Castro’s death on 25 November will change little in the near term for business in Cuba. Over the years, the government has moved forward with...
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