Latin America and the Caribbean outlook reports
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Latin America and the Caribbean outlook reports
Manakin is a conventional gas field located in shallow water at 110 kilometres off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) with a water depth of 238...
Parque dos Gaviões
Parque dos Gaviões is a complex formed by 12 gas fields located in the Parnaiba basin owned and operated by ENEVA. There are eight fields already i...
Global Upstream Update: our favourite slides and topics – September 2023
The Global Upstream Update is a regular Insight produced for global clients. This edition includes: 1) M&A market getting warmer as consolidation a...
Block 64
Block 64 (Morona) is a mid-sized, light oil field located in northern Peru, close to the border with Ecuador. After Talisman and Hess exited Block ...
Venezuela’s growing uncertainty around continued easing of sanctions
An uncertain outlook for Venezuela’s oil and gas sector persists. The government has only minimally complied with the agreement allowing a free and...
El Furrial
The 1986 discovery of the giant El Furrial field was the first significant discovery to be made in South America in over 25 years and came at a tim...
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