Macroeconomics, risk and global trends outlook reports
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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends outlook reports
China economic focus June 2022: will power shortage come again?
China is recovering from the Omicron lockdowns that occurred between March and May. Avoiding power cuts in this round of recovery has become the pr...
China economic focus March 2022: is the 5.5% GDP growth target achievable?
The Chinese government has set the country’s GDP growth target for 2022 at around 5.5%. The target surprised the market on the upside, and is also ...
China economic focus May 2022: a downside scenario
Under the ‘dynamic clearing’ policy, new Covid-19 outbreaks in H2 2022 and 2023 could further depress the Chinese economy. In May’s China Economic ...
China economic focus November 2022: removing the two obstacles to growth
Covid restrictions and a recession in the property sector are the two biggest obstacles to China achieving GDP growth above 5% next year. However, ...
Peru: Economic growth and reform agenda at risk
Wood Mackenzie's sister company, Verisk Maplecroft, takes a closer look at the recent corruption allegations involving Odebrecht that have reverber...
Brazil: effects of the current turmoil on energy
Political turmoil, caused in part by the ongoing Lava Jato investigation, has magnified the effects of the commodity downturn and severely affected...
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