Macroeconomics, risk and global trends outlook reports
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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends outlook reports
India's landmark reform: How the GST will impact the energy sector and GDP
After a 13-year-long journey, India's Goods and Services Tax (GST) bill was finally passed by the Indian Parliament in early August. This paves the...
Metals and mining: 5 things to look for in 2022
2021 presented a unique challenge to metals and mining players; how to make sense of the disorientating price volatility, and dizzying array of sig...
Latin America and the Caribbean GDP data Q2 2016
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (US$) and GDP growth to the year 2035 for 32 economies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Forecasts are u...
Latin America and the Caribbean Industrial Production data Q3 2015
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual Industrial Production (IP) indices to the year 2035 for 5 key economies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Forecas...
Q4 2016 Global economy: US resurgence, China resilience, Brexit defiance
After a difficult start to the year, the global economy has strengthened in the second half of 2016. A number of shocks hit the global economy stem...
H1 2016 GDP downgrade explained: India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico
Wood Mackenzie has cut its global GDP outlook to 2035. China, India and the US sit at the heart of this downgrade. India's GDP growth is forecast t...
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