Oil & gas industry outlook reports

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Oil and natural gas outlook reports


Keep on trucking – When it comes to vehicles, size does matter to US consumers

As the world’s largest user of gasoline, where the US consumer goes has a dramatic effect on global oil demand, as illustrated by the sharp pandemi...


Entry-exit transport tariff in Brazil: What to expect from the recent change in transport tariff methodology

Aiming to facilitate a more open and competitive gas market, Brazil has recently adopted entry-exit transmission tariffs, among other measures, wit...

Commodity Market Report

Global gas markets long-term outlook - Global demand - H1 2015

Global gas demand is expected to continue to grow at an average rate of 2.0% for the forecast period to 2035, which is in line with the historical ...

Commodity Market Report

Global gas markets long-term outlook - LNG supply - H1 2015

Our latest view on liquefaction project start ups. Our analysis includes a strengthened outlook for US exports, with some 60 mmtpa of L48 exports i...

Commodity Market Report

Global gas markets long-term supply outlook - Eastern Africa - H1 2015

East Africa is on the cusp of becoming a major LNG supplier. Since 2009, over 5,200 bcm of gas reserves have been discovered off the northern coast...

Commodity Market Report

Global gas markets long-term supply outlook - North America - H1 2015

US LNG is on course to grow rapidly, reaching 60 mmtpa of capacity in 2020. The first LNG exports from the US will predominantly be from terminals ...

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