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Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 27 June 2024
July TTF prices ended the week at $10.54/mmbtu, narrowing the differential between Northwest Europe DES. The ongoing arbitrage supports cross-basin...
LNG short-term outlook: June 2024
European TTF prices have remained broadly flat over June, despite more downtime at LNG plants and additional maintenance in Norway. Strong procurem...
Zhejiang - LNG regas terminal
Zhejiang LNG has a nominal capacity of 6 mmtpa. It is owned by CNOOC (51%), Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group (29%) and Ningbo Power Development (20...
Qatargas 1 - Commercial Overview
The Qatargas 1 project in Qatar is a 3-train LNG development operated by Qatargas on behalf of its shareholders - Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil, Tota...
Port Arthur LNG - Phase 1
Port Arthur LNG is being developed by Sempra Infrastructure Partners (Sempra Infrastructure), a subsidiary of Sempra Energy. The project is being c...
Revithoussa - LNG regas terminal
The Revithoussa terminal is owned and operated by transmission operator, DEFSA, a subsidiary of the public gas corporation of Greece (DEPA). DEPA c...
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