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Krk LNG terminal
In February 2019, the terminal developer, LNG Croatia (a joint venture between TSO, Plinacro, and utility HEP) announced a final investment decisio...
Qatargas 3 - Commercial Overview
The Qatargas-3 project in Qatar is a 1-train LNG development operated by Qatargas on behalf of the shareholders. The Qatargas-3 commercial overview...
Qatargas 4 - Commercial Overview
The Qatargas-4 project in Qatar is a 1-train LNG development operated by Qatargas on behalf of the shareholders. The Qataras-4 commercial overview ...
RL 3 - Commercial Overview
The Ras Laffan 3 project in Qatar is a 2-train LNG development operated by RasGas. The RL 3 commercial overview outlines the project development an...
Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 20 June 2024
Disruptions at Australian facilities prompted July TTF prices to settle at around $11.1/mmbtu, the highest level seen since last year. Reduced LNG ...
RasGas II - Commercial Overview
The RasGas II project in Qatar is a 3-train LNG development operated by RasGas on behalf of its shareholders. The RasGas II commercial overview out...
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