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Saros FSRU
Saros FSRU is an operational regasification terminal in the Gulf of Saros, off the northwest coast of Turkey. It started operation in February 2023...
Aliaga LNG - LNG regas terminal
Turkey's second regasification terminal, located at Aliaga, was completed in 2001. However, it was not used to import LNG until late 2006.Since the...
Venture Global’s IPO - What will drive value?
Venture Global, the upstart developer and operator of large-scale US LNG projects, completed an IPO that raised US$1.75 billion. We characterize Ve...
Etki FSRU- LNG regas terminal
Turkey's third regasification terminal, located at Aliaga, was commissioned in December 2016. The terminal was Turkey's first FSRU (floating storag...
Pakistan GasPort FSRU - LNG regas terminal
Following the successful commissioning of the Engro Elengy FSRU in March 2015, the government of Pakistan initiated a second fast-track LNG project...
Rovuma LNG (Area 4) - Commercial Overview
The Mozambique Area 4 LNG project in Mozambique is a 2-train LNG development operated by Eni East Africa. The Mozambique Area 4 LNG commercial over...
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