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LNG reports
Shanghai - LNG regas terminal
The owner of the terminal, Shanghai LNG, is a joint venture between CNOOC Gas and Power (45%) and Shenergy Group (55%), the Shanghai government's p...
Deep impact: how effective will international sanctions be on Arctic LNG-2?
Arctic LNG-2 is nearing commissioning. When FID was taken 2019, the 19.8 mmtpa LNG export project was the single largest LNG project sanction in hi...
Sakhalin-2 LNG - Sakhalin-2 Commercial Overview
The Sakhalin - 2 project in Russia is a 2-train LNG development operated by Sakhalin Energy Investment Co, a joint venture between Gazprom, Shell, ...
Ichthys LNG - commercial overview
The Ichthys LNG project in the Bowen Basin (Western Australia) is a 2 train LNG development operated by INPEX Corporation. The Ichthys LNG project ...
Gorgon LNG - commercial overview
The Gorgon LNG Project in Western Australia is a 3 trains LNG development operated by Chevron. The Gorgon LNG commercial overview outlines the proj...
LNG short-term webinar: January 2024
January prices continue to slide as European inventories remain above the 5-year average for this time of year. Cold snaps have been largely unsucc...
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