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PETRONAS FLNG 2 - commercial overview
The PETRONAS FLNG 2 in Malaysia is a 1-train floating LNG development operated by PETRONAS. The PETRONAS FLNG 2 commercial overview outlines the pr...
The PETRONAS FLNG 2 in Malaysia is a 1-train floating LNG development operated by PETRONAS. The LNG vessel analysis outlines the key project metric...
LNG short-term outlook: October 2023
Price volatility was persistent throughout October. Conflict in the Middle East, possible pipeline sabotage in the Baltics and the threat of fresh ...
Dhamra - LNG regas terminal
The Dhamra LNG terminal is India's seventh operational LNG terminal and the second one on the East Coast. Adani Ports constructed a land-based LNG ...
Isle of Grain - LNG regas terminal
The Isle of Grain terminal was constructed in 1982 and was originally a peak shaving facility. However, with declining domestic production and a gr...
Fos-Cavaou (Fos-sur-Mer II) - LNG regas terminal
After an initial commissioning cargo of Algerian LNG was unloaded in October 2009, the Fos-Cavaou terminal started commercial operations in April 2...
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