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Zhuhai - LNG regas terminal
Zhuhai LNG is located on Gaolan Island, on the western bank of the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong province. CNOOC gained final approval for the pro...
Tanzania LNG - Commercial overview
Since 2010, over 35 tcf of gas has been discovered in three large blocks in the Rovuma and Tanzania Coastal basins, offshore southern Tanzania. Blo...
Angola LNG - Angola LNG Pipelines
The gas supply pipeline network consists of gas hubs on each of the blocks. These hubs either supply the Angola LNG plant directly or route to a ga...
Angola LNG - Angola Plant
The Angola LNG project in Angola is a 1-train LNG development operated by Angola LNG, a joint venture between Chevron, SONAGAS, BP, Eni and Total. ...
Angola LNG - Commercial Overview
The Angola LNG project in Angola is a 1-train LNG development operated by Angola LNG, a joint venture between Chevron, SONAGAS, BP, Eni and Total. ...
Q3 2023 North America LNG Projects Update
During Q3, NextDecade’s Rio Grande Phase 1 became the third US Gulf Coast LNG project sanctioned in 2023. It joins Sempra Infrastructure’s Port Art...
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