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EG LNG - Commercial Overview
EG LNG is a segmented development under which the upstream and LNG facilities are taxed separately. The liquefaction plant, which is located on Bio...
Texas LNG
Texas LNG is a proposed US Gulf Coast liquefaction terminal close to the US/Mexican border, near Brownsville, Texas. The project has a 625-acre sit...
Global short-term LNG supply tracker (Q3 2023)
Global LNG run rates have remained flat in August, at around 85% of nameplate capacity. Sakhalin-2 has successfully returned from maintenance, whil...
LNG short-term outlook: November 2022
Following a warmer-than-usual October, November also turned out to be mild in both Europe and Asia, which allowed stock levels to increase further....
Global FLNG overview 2023: FLNG is back in vogue
Investor interest in FLNG is back. 8.5 mmtpa of FLNG capacity was sanctioned last year. Currently, 12.5 mmtpa is under construction and by 2026 alm...
LNG short-term outlook: October 2022
Since September, European TTF month-ahead prices have fallen from above $60 to around $30 per mmbtu – and even more sharply on the day-ahead. The m...
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