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LNG reports
Algeria LNG - Arzew GL3-Z Plant
The Arzew GL3-Z project in Algeria is a 1-train LNG development operated by Sonatrach. The LNG plant analysis outlines the key project metrics, dev...
Algeria LNG - Commercial Overview (Skikda)
The Skikda project in Algeria is a 4-train LNG development operated by Sonatrach. The Skikda commercial overview outlines the project development a...
Annova LNG
Annova LNG is a proposed US Gulf Coast liquefaction terminal close to the US/Mexican border, south Texas. The proposed site is a 731-acre plot on t...
Cameron - LNG regas terminal
Update status Cameron LNG announced that it would no longer be pursuing development of a regas project. Due to the growth in US gas production, LNG...
Can carbon capture and storage solve LNG’s emission problem?
LNG is one of the most emission-intensive resource themes in an energy company’s portfolio. To increase the attractiveness of LNG, many players are...
Cyprus LNG (Suspended)
Wood Mackenzie has suspended its analysis of the Cyprus LNG project due to a lack of progress and alternative development plans. We model the devel...
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