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LNG reports
Global Energy Summit 2021: Can CCS reduce the emissions of new LNG supply?
This is the first LNG presentation delivered at Wood Mackenzie’s Global Energy Summit – Focus Week: Gas & LNG, on 5 October 2021. LNG is one of the...
Golden Pass - LNG regas terminal
Update StatusGolden Pass LNG announced that it would no longer be pursuing development of a regas project. Due to the growth in US gas production, ...
Global LNG market in 2025 – size of the prize
Growing LNG demand has been a key topic at the Gastech conference in Tokyo this week. Our VP, gas and LNG, Noel Tomnay addressed the topic in his p...
Global LNG supply tracker: bumper winter send out expected
Global LNG production grew by 3.3 Mt in Q3 16 to 66Mt. Ramp up of new trains at Sabine Pass in the US plus GLNG and Gorgon in Australia, increased ...
The competitiveness of new LNG into Europe
At Wood Mackenzie's European Gas and Power Forum held in London, Giles Farrer, Research Director - Global LNG, presented on the outlook for pre-FID...
Reganosa - LNG regas terminal
Reganosa (also known as Ferrol and Mugardos) is Spain's sixth regasification terminal and is located in Galicia in the northwest of the country. It...
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