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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Commodity Analytics Briefing: Tougher control on pollution in Beijing and nearby regions
On 29 March 2016 (Wednesday), our China research team hosted a Commodity Analytics Briefing which includes below topics: Coal to gas/power switchin...
Economic focus: five implications of Brexit
Uncertainty surrounds Brexit, damaging business and consumer confidence and causing financial market volatility. In this Economic Focus we look at ...
Economic focus: Latin America economic climate improving
GDP growth in Latin America is set to contract for the second straight year. But economic sentiment is improving, and we expect a return to growth ...
Economic issues to overshadow Venezuelan politics in the New Year
One year after the opposition took control of the National Assembly nearly all the original optimism for a political transition towards more pro-bu...
Europe GDP data Q2 2016
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (US$) and GDP growth to the year 2035 for 40 economies in Europe. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly bas...
Europe GDP data Q3 2015
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (US$) and GDP growth to the year 2035 for 40 economies in Europe. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly bas...
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