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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends reports
Past the peak?: EMEARC economic outlook H2 2017
The global economy is shaking off the drag from the commodity slump. We are more optimistic about global growth than previously. In this insight, w...
Gabon: Bongo retains power
Verisk Maplecroft believes that President Ali Bongo is fairly well-placed to retain power, despite his government being shaken by an unprecedented ...
Energy view to 2035: the energy transition takes hold, what's next for commodities?
The term ‘energy transition’ is perhaps overused, but it does serve to describe the themes, trends and forecasts summarised in the 2018 edition of ...
Europe GDP data Q2 2016
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (US$) and GDP growth to the year 2035 for 40 economies in Europe. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly bas...
Europe GDP data Q3 2015
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual real GDP (US$) and GDP growth to the year 2035 for 40 economies in Europe. Forecasts are updated on a quarterly bas...
H1 2016 GDP downgrade explained: China
Wood Mackenzie has cut its global GDP outlook to 2035. China, India and the US sit at the heart of this downgrade. Specifically, China's GDP growth...
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