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Metals costs reports
Jinchuan copper refinery
The refinery is located in the Gansu province in China. The capacity of the refinery is 750kt/a of anodes loaded and a production of 600kt/a of cat...
Jinchuan Guangxi copper smelter
The smelter is located in Fangchenggang, Guangxi province. The technology is Flash smelting and Flash converting. The concentrate treatment capacit...
Jinlong copper refinery
The refinery is located in Tongling, Anhui Province. The system uses in the Tankhouse is Walker. The capacity of the refinery is 540kt/a of anodes ...
Jinlong copper smelter
The smelter is located at Tongling, Anhui Province. The smelting technology is Flash and its capacity is 1.3Mt/a conc treated (450kt/a anodes produ...
Kansanshi copper smelter
The smelter started operating in February 2015 and its capacity is 300kt/a anodes. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from the bottom up, inc...
Miami copper smelter
The Miami smelter was built in 1915 and operated initially with a reverberatory furnace and Great Falls and Peirce-Smith converters. It was rebuilt...
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