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Metals costs reports
Kalatongke nickel operation
The Kalatongke Mine is situated in Fuyun County in Xinjiang. It is one of four exploration zones respectively covered by Xinjiang XinXin Mining's f...
Goro nickel operation
The Goro nickel operation has been plagued by capital cost over runs, start up delays and operations issues since commencing production in 2011. In...
Punta Gorda nickel operation
The Punta Gorda plant is undergoing a debottlenecking program with a view to increasing output to around 36kt/a Ni+Co. Longer term plans are lookin...
PT Huadi Nickel Alloy nickel operation
PT Huadi Nickel-Alloy Indonesia (PT HNI) is a nickel pig iron (NPI) operation located in the Bantaeng Industrial Park in South Sulawesi, around 140...
Savannah - Restart nickel operation
After placing the mine on care and maintenance in May 2016 in response to low nickel prices, Panoramic Resources continued to carry out refurbishme...
Codemin nickel operation
The main market for Codemin's products is in Brazil, primarily to local stainless steel producers. The balance of the production is exported to a s...
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