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Metals markets reports
Copper: How long will it take to return to a "new" normal
Wood Mackenzie’s Hun Hao Chuah presented at the 121 Mining Investment APAC Virtual Conference on 8th March 2021. Key themes include the decoupling ...
Framing the future of zinc concentrate
Over the years, there has been a trend to increased trading in the spot market at the expense of frame contract business. This can be linked direct...
Future remains uncertain for copper projects in the Philippines
The removal of Regina Lopez, the controversial head of the Philippines' Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), will not eliminate ...
Diminishing concentrates: what options are there for zinc smelters?
As we enter 2017, it appears that the global zinc smelting industry is on the brink of, but could well be in the midst of, a shortage of zinc conce...
China delivered iron ore costs Q2 2016
The weighted average cost of North China delivered iron ore is US$35.9/dmt (62% Fe), US$1.3/dmt less than our Q1 2016 estimate. Global average deli...
China delivered iron ore costs Q3 2016
We have improved our method for quality-adjusting China delivered iron ore costs. We are now using value-in-use (VIU) adjustments where we adjust c...
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