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Metals markets reports
Is US’ steel bonanza in final countdown?
More than a year has passed since the coronavirus crisis took US’ steelmaking industry to one of its ugliest times in history. Back in April 2020, ...
It’s déjà vu as China experiences more aluminium smelting power shortages
After experiencing unprecedented power constraints and capacity suspensions in 2021, China is again plagued by power shortages. Since July, Sichuan...
Jamalco’s delayed restart to intensify Atlantic alumina deficit
A major fire at Jamalco’s powerhouse on 22 August, extensively damaged that section of the plant. The powerhouse produces power, compressed air and...
Ghana and Burkina Faso research trip: key takeaways
Wood Mackenzie was in Ghana and Burkina Faso on our latest research trip to the region. We met key producers - both major established miners and em...
EU steel keels under pressure of soaring energy prices
European steelmakers idle almost 30 Million Metric Tonnes of steel capacity to rebalance the market amid a climate of soaring energy prices, high i...
(R)evolution of Chinese trade in aluminium
In this insight we look more closely at Chinese aluminium semis export data and investigate the impact of Chinese trade in aluminium on regions, co...
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