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Oil and gas markets reports
Germany gas markets long-term outlook H1 2015
German gas demand in 2014 was at its lowest level since 1994. Exceptionally mild weather reduced residential and commercial gas demand to 10% below...
Europe gas markets long-term outlook – H1 2015
The European gas market is going through profound changes, driven by policy decisions as well as an environment of very challenging market fundamen...
Hainan gas markets long-term outlook H1 2015
Located in the South China Sea, Hainan is China’s smallest province. Oil and gas play significant roles in the island’s total primary energy supply...
North America crude markets short-term early May 2016
The early-May North America crude market monthly report provides our crude oil price outlook for the rest of 2016 and for 2017. We consider the imp...
North America crude markets short-term outlook September 2017
US crude runs fell from all time highs due to Hurricane Harvey's impact on US Gulf Coast refinery operations. The reduced demand in PADD III weighe...
North America gas markets new industrial capacity update Q2 2016
Wood Mackenzie tracks gas-intensive projects that materially impact US and Canadian demand. Q2 update includes a major change to our GTL outlook, a...
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