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Oil and gas markets reports
Energy crisis: Impact on European gas markets (3 Nov)
Despite President Putin’s announcement on the 27th, Russian flows are down at the end of October. There is limited capacity booked along Yamal-Euro...
Energy crisis: Impact on European gas markets (6 Dec)
Demand is strong in response to coldest November in five years, November storage utilisation was 3 bcm higher than average and LNG sendout has step...
Can Europe cope if Russian gas supply is disrupted?
Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict started, skyrocketing gas prices in Europe have weighed a risk premium of a total interruption of Russian gas flo...
Can Japan turn around its struggling nuclear industry? - Highlights
In October 2021, Japan announced the 6th Strategic Energy Plan, targeting a 20-22% nuclear share in the power generation mix by 2030. The target su...
Canadian LPG exports - well positioned to grow from here on out
With drilling activity in the WCSB expected to grow in liquid rich acreages, the supply of Canadian NGLs is also set to follow a similar trajectory...
China regas tracker 2022
The China regas tracker follows the development of LNG terminals projects, forecasts regas/storage capacity and tracks the spare capacity of PipeCh...
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