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Oil and gas markets reports
Mexico Virtual Briefing 2021
After the mayhem of 2020, the coronavirus side effects, regulation risk, and uncertainty remain on the horizon in Mexico. Despite this, upstream, o...
Mexico’s power interconnection queue: Health crisis and regulatory aftermath
CENACE’s interconnection queue provides an idea of the current state of project development in the country. Although most of the projects in the pi...
North America NGL Infrastructure Databank - February 2021
This report tracks existing and planned NGL infrastructure including gas processing facilities, fractionation, NGL pipelines, and NGL export capaci...
LNG short-term trade and price outlook (Q3 2017)
Asian LNG imports increased at a record pace up to June 2017. With abundant supply and Asian LNG prices soft relative to coal, the market for Asian...
US crude arbitrage to Asia to close soon
US exported close to 1.4 million tons of crude to Asia in the first two months of 2017. This arbitrage opportunity came in timely for US producers ...
US NGL Infrastructure Databank - August 2022
This report tracks existing and planned NGL infrastructure including gas processing facilities, fractionation, NGL pipelines, and NGL export capaci...
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