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A Clash of Titans: Indian and Chinese BOPET film producers’ strategic expansion differences
BOPET film capacity additions over the next five years to 2025 are dominated by Chinese and Indian producers. However, these two giants have very d...
China petrochemicals: 2019 review and 2020 outlook
China is the biggest petrochemical-producing country in the world. Its position as top producer will strengthen with massive investment in the olef...
China’s PTA market after recent capacity ramp-up: evolving into an oligopoly market
Investment in the PTA market has been gathering momentum after a tightly balanced 2019. In 2020-2026, the world is going to add a stunning 49.4 Mtp...
African PET Market - A Future for Growth
Africa is home to around 17% of the global population, with total VPET demand equating to around 4.9% of global consumption. Africa has the world’s...
Coronavirus and collapse in polyester – will PX and PTA markets recover?
The fibre and textile industries – by far the largest consuming segments for polyester – have continued to be battered by the impact of the coronav...
Coronavirus and petrochemicals – global propylene markets
Wood Mackenzie examined the changes in demand due to the pandemic response for different polymer types. This insight assesses the impact of the pol...
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