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Coronavirus and polymers - highlight on PET resin
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
Paper vs plastic: breaking down the debate in flexible packaging sustainability
Like many other major plastics applications, plastics use in flexible packaging has come under deep scrutiny in recent years as sustainability conc...
The Chemical Reaction: Alberta government awards generous incentives to local propylene industry
Last week, the Government of Alberta Canada awarded investment incentives of Can$300 million to Pembina Pipelines Corp and Can$200 million to Inter...
Textile Pipeline - USA
The USA held onto its apparel industry longer than many of the advanced Western European economies. Into the early 1990s the US apparel industry he...
EPL June 2018: 5 key olefins market discussion points
PCI Wood Mackenzie was delighted to participate in the June EPL (European Petrochemical Luncheon) held in Bratislava on the 14th and 15th June 2018...
The imminent Asian olefins capacity wave
Asia will dominate olefins capacity growth through to 2025, with 2021-2022 being the peak year. In 2021 alone, China will add nearly 8 million tonn...
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