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North American PX trade: the changing landscape
2020 has been a challenging year for paraxylene (PX) markets. The deleterious effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the large PX capacity...
PET Recycle Survey West Europe 2015
This 25-page report provides full analysis of the reclamation capacity in the region, the supply demand balance for bottles and the end uses for pr...
Reimagining European ethylene: an assessment of closure threat risk to 2030
Wood Mackenzie analysis forecasts that over 3 million tons of European ethylene capacity is at medium-high risk of closure during the 2020 decade. ...
Packaging markets redesigned: the impact of new models on plastic packaging demand
As sustainability becomes increasingly important to the plastics industry, traditional business models will be re-imagined. In this insight, we exp...
Qatar Petroleum (QP) plans new world-scale ethane cracker
Qatar Petroleum (QP) has invited a group of leading international companies, with extensive experiences in the petrochemicals industry, to submit p...
Global steam cracker projects update - who, what, where, when, why?
Here we present a snapshot overview of all global steam cracker projects that are modelled as firm/likely investments within the July 2017 update t...
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