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Global olefins: 6 key sensitivities to our supply outlook
Driven by ongoing coronavirus outbreaks, the Russia/Ukraine war, significant energy volatility, weakening macroeconomic indicators and constrained ...
5 key trends in styrene to follow in H2 2022
With China chasing its goal of achieving self-sufficiency, we’ve seen multiple new styrene mega-capacities come online since 2019. The impact of th...
A Clash of Titans: Indian and Chinese BOPET film producers’ strategic expansion differences
BOPET film capacity additions over the next five years to 2025 are dominated by Chinese and Indian producers. However, these two giants have very d...
Global Nylon Market - Supply Demand Analytics Service 2018
Explore and evaluate trends and growth opportunities in the global polyamide industry with our comprehensive overview of supply and demand trends i...
The global economy and chemical industry growth
Overall chemical industry demand growth has weakened recently. There are heightened risks that it could weaken further if global macroeconomic cond...
The polyester chain: five themes defining 2023, and beyond
As the calendar turns, the entire polyester chain faces a general malaise of overcapacity, which regularly extends into oversupply for most markets...
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