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EPCA 2016 - 5 key olefins market discussion points
PCI Wood Mackenzie was delighted to participate in this year's EPCA (European Petrochemical Association) Conference held in Budapest. Patrick Kirby...
PET Monthly Business Report
Asian PET export prices looked to be trending up, in step with Chinese domestic prices. In the US and Europe, however, prices trended down in Augus...
MEG market implications from coal and energy policies in China
The MEG market in China has been fluctuating wildly since the impact of “dual control” policy intensified in mid-September. In the Dalian Commodity...
Key signposts for the chemical industry under a Biden administration
The US presidential election regularly captures attention worldwide, but the 2020 race stands out given the polarizing atmosphere, media coverage, ...
Chemical recycling assets analysis
This Insight includes detailed analysis of installed and upcoming Chemical Recycling Assets. It focuses on a number of plants/projects which were s...
Chemical solutions: can polymer value chains decarbonise?
As the world gears up for COP 26 in Glasgow in November, countries around the world are announcing ever more stringent decarbonisation goals. While...
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