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Chemicals reports
Chinese polyolefins resin exports – opportunistic or fundamental?
China depends on polyolefins imports to meet domestic demand. In February and March, Chinese traders exported large volumes to regions paying highe...
Chinese port congestion interrupts global plastic supply chain
Operations at a terminal at Ningbo Zhoushan, China’s second-largest container port, have been suspended after a worker tested positive for Covid-19...
Big themes in 2022 for global olefins
The 2020s has so far brought significant challenges but also opportunities for the global olefins industry. Despite this, many major olefins indust...
Coronavirus and Petrochemicals – Impact on Global Ethylene Markets
Our polymer team examined the changes in demand due to the pandemic response for different polymer types. This insight assesses the impact of the p...
Coronavirus and polymers - a week in transition?
The world is different, now. The plastics industry was bright-eyed and optimistic heading in to the new decade. The protracted trade war between th...
Coronavirus impact briefing: week ending 8 May
Welcome to week five of our coronavirus impact briefing. In this regular report, we combine the expertise of our sister company AIR in global pande...
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