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Upstream oil and gas reports
Trinidad and Tobago upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on Trinidad and Tobago. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on...
K2 is a large subsalt oil field located in southeastern Green Canyon. The K2 structure extends across several blocks, which were not fully unitised...
Iran upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on Iran. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on key projects, ...
Gulfport Energy - Lower 48 upstream
Gulfport Energy is an independent Lower 48 gas-focused E&P with activities in the Utica and the SCOOP Woodford and Springer unconventional plays. T...
Katmai is a subsalt, Middle and Lower Miocene mid-size oil and associate gas discovery located in the northeastern part of the Green Canyon protrac...
Silvertip (AC 815)
Silvertip (AC 815) is a heavy oil and associated gas field located in the remote southern region of the Alaminos Canyon protraction area. The field...
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