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Upstream oil and gas reports
Latin America upstream: 2024 in review
Our Latin America review looks back to the key upstream events and trends. During 2024, LatAm production grew 4%, but this was driven by a few coun...
Ghana upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on Ghana. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on key projects,...
Vermilion Energy onshore fields
Vermilion Energy operates its onshore Dutch assets which Wood Mackenzie model in six groupings: Andel Drenthe and Papekop, Gorredijk & Oosterend co...
Emissions uncovered: Norway's oil & gas export advantage
An investigation into the emissions experienced along Norway’s oil and gas value chain, contrasted with alternative supply sources for Europe. This...
US Lower 48 upstream: 2024 in review
2024 was a year of efficiencies in the Lower 48 as operators focused on minimizing downtime in the field and advancing new technology. M&A momentum...
Polo Reconcavo
The Reconcavo cluster is composed of 14 fields in the Reconcavo Basin.The cluster was part of Petrobras divestment plan and it was acquired by form...
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