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Upstream oil and gas reports
Global oil supply short-term update - November 2024
The global oil supply monthly report provides analysis on short-term global oil supply. The written document is accompanied by a slide deck and rel...
Top 10 election takeaways for US upstream
The reelection of Donald Trump is expected to significantly impact US upstream energy policy. Drilling activity, particularly from private E&P comp...
Continental Resources - Lower 48 upstream
Continental Resources (CLR) is a prominent privately-owned independent E&P company focused on development of Bakken, Anadarko, Permian and Powder R...
Njord Area
The Njord oil field is in the southern Haltenbanken area in Mid Norway about 30 kilometres west of Draugen. Njord has been developed with a floatin...
Manati is Brazil's largest non-associated gas field. First production in 2007 was delayed by almost a year due to difficulties in obtaining environ...
Egypt upstream summary slides
We provide a slide-pack covering the key issues in the country, including data on hydrocarbon reserves & production, key players in the corporate l...
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