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Upstream oil and gas reports
Mississippi Canyon 161
Mississippi Canyon 161 is a small dry gas field located in the northern part of the Mississippi Canyon protraction area in the Central Gulf of Mexi...
Castile (KC 736)
Castile (formerly Moccasin) (KC 736) is a medium size Lower Tertiary oil discovery located in the Keathley Canyon protraction area of the Central G...
Leon (KC 642)
Leon (KC 642) is a large Lower Tertiary oil discovery in the Keathley Canyon protraction area of the Central Gulf of Mexico. The Leon discovery is ...
Algeria upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on Algeria. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on key project...
Prio gets access to 40% non-operating stake in the Peregrino field for up to US$1.915 billion
Brazilian independent Prio signed a sale and purchase agreement for the acquisition of Sinochem Petroleum Netherlands Coöperatif U.A. and will gain...
Sri Lanka upstream summary
Sri Lanka's upstream sector has limited exploration activity: The upstream industry in Sri Lanka is still relatively new. The country held two offs...
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