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Upstream oil and gas reports
G10/48 (Wassana)
The G10/48 Concession contains the commercial Wassana discovery and two non-commercial finds, Mayura and Nirama. The block lies in shallow waters w...
Triton (MC 772) and Goldfinger (MC 772) are oil and associated gas discoveries located in the eastern portion of the Mississippi Canyon protraction...
Permian Bone Spring Key Play
The Bone Spring is one of the most productive oil plays in the Lower 48, and economics are competitive with parts of the underlying Wolfcamp. Activ...
Permian Delaware Wolfcamp Key Play
The Delaware Wolfcamp is the most active, most productive, most economic play in the US Lower 48; recent increases in both oil and gas prices have ...
Gunflint (MC 948)
Gunflint, formerly known as Freedom, is an oil and gas field located near the southern boundary of the Mississippi Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexic...
Kuwait upstream summary
Kuwait is a key oil producing country located between Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Production costs are amongst the lowest in the world. Oil is produced ...
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