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Upstream oil and gas reports
Papua New Guinea upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on Papua New Guinea. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on ke...
Kuwait upstream summary slides
We provide an upstream summary slide-pack on Kuwait. The report includes an overview of country trends and activities with analysis on key projects...
Marcellus Key Play
The Marcellus leads the Lower 48 in natural gas production and plays a pivotal role in the US natural gas landscape. Operator response to low prici...
Brutus (GC 158)
Brutus (GC 158) is an oil and gas field developed using a conventional, dry-tree tension leg platform (TLP). Development work on Brutus began in Ap...
Sepia and Sepia Leste
Sépia is a pre-salt oil and gas discovery located in the Santos basin of Brazil. Petrobras produced first oil in August 2021. In 2019, a consortium...
Indonesia other fields
This report provides reserves and production data for Indonesia's smaller producing assets covered under Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs), which...
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