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Natuna D Alpha LNG
Natuna D Alpha is a giant gas field located in the Natuna Sea, with reserves-in-place of up to 222 tcf. The field has a high carbon dioxide (CO2) c...
Nigeria LNG (NLNG) - NLNG Plus Commercial Overview
The NLNG Plus project in Nigeria is a 2-train LNG development operated by Nigeria LNG . The NLNG Plus commercial overview outlines the project deve...
Nigeria LNG (NLNG) - NLNG Upstream Supply
The reserves shown in the table above reflect upstream supply volumes that are currently modelled. In our LNG supply forecast we expect that contra...
Japan's power utilities under pressure
Japan's 10 former regional power monopolies have had a difficult few years with nuclear issues and commodity price volatility. The latest challenge...
Jordan Cove LNG Export
Jordan Cove LNG is a planned 7.8 mmtpa LNG export project, located at Coos Bay in Oregon. Originally authorised for the purpose of building a regas...
NE Asia LNG demand slump hits shipping hard
Falling LNG demand in the traditional major LNG markets of Japan and South Korea, and slower than expected demand growth in China, is particularly ...
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