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Asia's emerging LNG buyers: Q1 2017 – Pakistan awakens
The Q1 2017 update of our emerging Asian LNG buyers insight now covers 65 companies. We have added Shenzhen Energy, IFFCO, Tata Group, Fatima Group...
Asia's emerging LNG buyers: Q2 2017 – China's hidden giants II
In our Q2 2016 update we highlighted Chinese gas distributors that are active in the LNG market. In this update we feature another 4 Chinese compan...
Bear Head LNG Export
As March 2023, the Bear Head LNG Export report will no longer be updated following cancellation of the LNG project.Bear Head LNG Export is a propos...
ELNG - ELNG - Project Summary
ELNG presently consists of one supply Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and two separate liquefaction projects each with differing equity holdings....
China's new free-trade zone supports ENN's LNG ambitions
On 1 April 2017, the Chinese government established Zhoushan district in Zhejiang province as a free-trade zone. The district is home to China’s th...
Will South Korea's booming 2017 LNG imports last?
South Korea customs has reported that 3.4 million tonnes of LNG was imported In June 2017. A seasonal record for the month and more than 40% higher...
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