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LNG reports
Q3 North America LNG projects update: Driftwood fully sold, Plaquemines starts construction and Corpus Christi Stage 3 nears FID
Record LNG prices are signalling “Mayday” for distressed gas markets all around the world. Will this be the catalyst for another significant build ...
Q3 North America LNG projects update: momentum builds at Venture Global’s Plaquemines LNG
Venture Global’s second Gulf Coast LNG development, at Plaquemines, Louisiana, is gaining momentum. It is moving ahead with initial site preparatio...
Pembina Pipeline acquires Jordan Cove LNG in Veresen deal: Q2 2017 North America LNG projects update
Pembina Pipeline will gain control of Jordan Cove LNG through its CAD$9.7 billion (US$7.1 billion) acquisition of Veresen. Jordan Cove LNG and the ...
Dortyol FSRU- LNG regas terminal
BOTAS, the Turkish state owned national oil and gas systems operator, commissioned a second Floating and Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) near Ha...
Douglas Channel FLNG
As February 2016, the Douglas Channel FLNG report will no longer be updated following Altagas announcing that it would no longer be pursuing develo...
Douglas Channel LNG - LNG Plant
The Douglas Channel LNG project in Canada is a 1-train LNG development operated by Exmar. The LNG plant analysis outlines the key project metrics, ...
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