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Lavaca Bay LNG Export
In September 2015, Excelerate announced that it would no longer be pursuing development of the Lavaca Bay floating LNG (FLNG) export project. Excel...
Leviathan FLNG (Suspended)
Noble Energy and its partners discovered the giant Leviathan gas field in the Sinai-Levant basin, offshore Israel and Cyprus. The country is theref...
Golden Pass - LNG regas terminal
Update StatusGolden Pass LNG announced that it would no longer be pursuing development of a regas project. Due to the growth in US gas production, ...
Alaska LNG
Alaska LNG is aimed at monetising the stranded gas at Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson. The two fields have combined proven gas reserves of approximat...
Algeria LNG - Algerian National Grid
Algerian gas production is underpinned by the giant Hassi R'Mel field, which along with other Sonatrach operated fields including Rhourde Nouss and...
Algeria LNG - Arzew GL3-Z Plant
The Arzew GL3-Z project in Algeria is a 1-train LNG development operated by Sonatrach. The LNG plant analysis outlines the key project metrics, dev...
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