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LNG reports
Fortuna FLNG - Commercial Overview
The Fortuna FLNG project in Equatorial Guinea is a 4-train LNG development operated by Golar LNG. The Fortuna FLNG commercial overview outlines the...
Fos-Tonkin (Fos-sur-Mer I) - LNG regas terminal
Fos-Tonkin is an onshore operational regas terminal located 50km west of Marseille, in the South of France. The terminal first started operations i...
FSRU Markets in Asia
Asia is underweight when it comes to using FSRUs and FSUs. In 2016 Asia accounted for around 70% of global LNG imports, but only about 20% of FSRU ...
Eni restarts Egypt’s SEGAS LNG plant
On 22 February 2021, the Golar Glacier sailed off from the port of Damietta, Egypt. On board was the first LNG cargo produced at the SEGAS faciliti...
Gas and LNG London Breakfast Briefing
On Thursday 21st July, we held a small client event in London at our offices there. We covered European gas and LNG import scenarios in the short a...
Gdansk FSRU
Gdansk FSRU terminal is a proposed floating LNG terminal located in the Bay of Gdansk, on the Baltic coast, in northeast Poland. If commissioned, i...
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