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Global LNG supply tracker: Q3 2016
Global LNG production fell by 1Mt in Q2 16. Although new trains at GLNG and Gorgon were added in Australia and Cheniere enjoyed a strong ramp up at...
GNL Escobar - LNG regas terminal
GNL Escobar is located on the Parana River, 48 km (30 miles) north of Buenos Aires and 22 km (14 miles) downstream from the Campana port. After ann...
Goldboro LNG
Golboro LNG is a proposed greenfield LNG export project located in Nova Scotia on Canada's east coast. The project site occupies an area of roughly...
Higashi-Ohgishima - LNG regas terminal
The Higashi Ohgishima LNG terminal in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, is an operational facility owned and operated by JERA. The import facility receiv...
How can Germany deliver new regas terminals quickly?
Germany needs to diversify its gas supply quickly and the German chancellor has called for the “quick” construction of two new LNG import terminals...
How low prices will hit legacy LNG producers worldwide
Due to the oil price and our lower for longer spot LNG price outlook, proposed LNG projects are being deferred. However, little attention has been ...
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