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LNG reports
Everett - LNG regas terminal
Everett was built by the Cabot Corporation to serve winter peaking gas needs for several local utilities in Massachusetts. As peak-shaving requirem...
Algeria LNG - Arzew Plant (Decommissioned)
Algeria's GL4Z (Camel) plant at Arzew began operations in 1964 and was the world's first commercial scale LNG facility. The GL4Z plant was construc...
Algeria LNG - Commercial Overview (Arzew GL3-Z)
The Arzew GL3-Z project in Algeria is a 1-train LNG development operated by Sonatrach. The Arzew commercial overview outlines the project developme...
Algeria LNG - Commercial Overview (Bethioua)
The Bethioua project in Arzew, Algeria is a 12-train LNG development operated by Sonatrach. The Bethioua commercial overview outlines the project d...
Algeria LNG - Overall Project Summary
Algeria became the world's first LNG exporter when it delivered its first cargo to the UK in 1964. Algeria's LNG facilities are situated on three s...
Altamira - LNG regas terminal
With population growth and economic development leading to strong growth in electricity demand, central Mexico began to need new energy supplies in...
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