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Fortuna FLNG - Plant
The Fortuna FLNG project is the name of the project to develop the Fortuna, Tonel and Viscata fields in Block EG-27 (formerly known as Block R). Th...
Energia del Pacifico LNG Terminal
In October 2012, DELSUR, a distribution company subsidiary of Empresas Publicas de Medellin (EPM) in El Salvador, on behalf of 7 distribution compa...
Are there enough LNG FSRUs available to meet Europe’s needs?
Energy security is an immediate priority for Europe and LNG provides access to a global supply market. However, existing import capacity will not s...
APPEA 2021 - Finding net zero: how green LNG can improve the competitiveness of Australian LNG
Carbon-neutral or ‘green’ LNG has made a big splash in industry headlines since mid-2019. But to date, it accounts for only a small share of the gl...
Everett - LNG regas terminal
Everett was built by the Cabot Corporation to serve winter peaking gas needs for several local utilities in Massachusetts. As peak-shaving requirem...
Pakistan proposed LNG regas projects
Market OutlookPakistan is an established gas market, with gas infrastructure stretching across much of the country. Gas demand is expected to grow ...
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