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Northeast Gateway - LNG regas terminal
In June 2005, Excelerate Energy submitted an application to the Maritime Administration for a Deepwater Port terminal located 13 miles offshore Mas...
Q2 2018 North America LNG projects update: expansions underway
On 15 June, Cheniere issued a full notice to proceed for the construction of Train 3 expansion of the Corpus Christi liquefaction project – the fir...
Q2 North America LNG projects update: Costa Azul FID waiting on SENER
For developers of pre-FID North America LNG projects, the current market difficulties are palpable. Momentum is faltering. New guidance on FID timi...
Q2 North America LNG projects update: Driftwood FID in Tellurian’s line of sight
Commercial activity surged in the second quarter. Tellurian announced two big deals with Gunvor and Vitol for 3 mmtpa each, and Woodfibre signed a ...
Q3 North America LNG projects update: Wave of FIDs expected during 2023 & 2024
Interest in North American LNG has continued throughout the third quarter of 2022. Fast-to-market North American projects are well placed to meet t...
Q4 North America LNG projects update
Interest in North American LNG has continued throughout Q4. Several North American projects are fully permitted, have signed or are negotiating Eng...
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