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Quintero - LNG regas terminal
Following the near-total decline in piped gas supply from Argentina in the mid-2000s, Chile looked to LNG to enhance the security and diversity of ...
Oregon LNG
Oregon LNG was a proposed greenfield LNG export project 16 kilometres (10 miles) inland on the Columbia River in Skipanon Peninsula, Oregon, on the...
Pagbilao - LNG regas terminal
Energy World Corporation is attempting to develop a regasification terminal on Grande Island in Pagbilao, Luzon. Despite the company announcing con...
Russia - can it become a top-3 LNG producer by 2030?
Russia is the second largest gas producer on the planet, but produces only 30 mmpta of LNG and has a global market share of 8%. This is clearly not...
Q2 2018 North America LNG projects update: expansions underway
On 15 June, Cheniere issued a full notice to proceed for the construction of Train 3 expansion of the Corpus Christi liquefaction project – the fir...
Q2 North America LNG projects update: Costa Azul FID waiting on SENER
For developers of pre-FID North America LNG projects, the current market difficulties are palpable. Momentum is faltering. New guidance on FID timi...
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