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LNG reports
Q2 North America LNG projects update: Driftwood FID in Tellurian’s line of sight
Commercial activity surged in the second quarter. Tellurian announced two big deals with Gunvor and Vitol for 3 mmtpa each, and Woodfibre signed a ...
Q3 North America LNG projects update: Wave of FIDs expected during 2023 & 2024
Interest in North American LNG has continued throughout the third quarter of 2022. Fast-to-market North American projects are well placed to meet t...
Q4 North America LNG projects update
Interest in North American LNG has continued throughout Q4. Several North American projects are fully permitted, have signed or are negotiating Eng...
Global short-term LNG supply tracker (Q4 2022)
Global LNG run rates have surpassed 90% of capacity as producers maximise output for winter. However several disruptions have continued to impact t...
Indonesia proposed LNG Regas projects
A number of companies are eyeing new regasification terminals in Indonesia, particularly in West Java. This is driven by the declining piped gas su...
Huelva - LNG regas terminal
Huelva LNG is an onshore operational regas terminal in Andalusia, Spain. The facility was commissioned in 1988. The terminal has been expanded seve...
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