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How much LNG will Europe import - EGC Vienna - 21st March 2022
As Europe signal a pivot away from Russian gas, LNG is poised to play an unprecedented role in Europe’s security of supply. But the pace and materi...
Gulf Gateway - LNG regas terminal
Update StatusDue to the growth in US gas production, LNG imports have diminished considerably. As a result, we will not be regularly updating this ...
Gulf LNG Liquefaction Project
The Gulf LNG Liquefaction Project is a planned two-train liquefaction project with a total baseload capacity of 10 mmtpa. The facility is to be loc...
Hachinohe - LNG regas terminal
The Hachinohe LNG terminal in Aomori prefecture, Japan, is an operational facility owned and operated by ENEOS. The import facility received commis...
Hadera Gateway - LNG regas terminal
In 2022, the German government chartered the FSRU deployed at Hadera to use it from Q3 2023 at Wilhelmshaven port, Northwest Germany. Since the ves...
Hainan - LNG regas terminal
Hainan LNG has a nominal capacity of 3.0 mmtpa. It is located near the Yangpu Economic Development Zone, on the northwestern coast of the island pr...
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